wow, i'm actually posting here. between myspace and trusty ole' lj, this site has been neglected. But after seeing how many communities there are and all the nice people are you there on the boards, I see this could be a great place to post and talk to people, because I am getting a serious lack of that in real life right now. So I'm in Charlotte, NC. I'm a temp transplant from Mandeville,LA. My aunt and grandmother are the only people I know in this town. I would be the normal outgoing and sociable mother fucker, but I'm short on cash. I need a job, so I haven't been doing much of shit since I've been here, but I would like to, cause so far this town is nothing like home and not a place I want to stay. But I guess we'll find out soon enough, or go back home and work for my stepdad's comapny for cash (yuck, did that for the past 3 years while in school). I'm still looking for jobs back home though.
SG is way better than Myspace anyday!

i'd call ya