I figured it would be a couple weeks. I was delighted to find out that I didn't wait at all.
In the spirit of the new tattoo, and I am a copycat [but imitation IS the highest form of flattery], I declare a little contest. The first person who can figure out what my new tat is of, gets a free drink IF they show up to BP's on Tuesday or to Obi's shindig on Saturday...
I also got a nintendo DS on thursday, and its Fan-FREAKING-tastic!
and how could I forget my sweet sweet birthday boy:

In the spirit of the new tattoo, and I am a copycat [but imitation IS the highest form of flattery], I declare a little contest. The first person who can figure out what my new tat is of, gets a free drink IF they show up to BP's on Tuesday or to Obi's shindig on Saturday...
I also got a nintendo DS on thursday, and its Fan-FREAKING-tastic!
and how could I forget my sweet sweet birthday boy:

Yer fun!