I found out that my friend Chelsey
and I were going to be heading to London, England for a vacation. While we were packing our stuff, I noticed that Chels had some pretty slutty clothes, but I knew that they would look good on her. After packing all of our necessities, we finally headed on the plane. We arrived at about 1:30am, got our shit and chels ditched me because she had to go to the bathroom. According to her, our hotel wasnt that far way, so I decided I would just walk there all by myselfand sure enough I ended up getting lost. I was in an alley full of these crazy little shops, and I kept thinking to myself that I had to remember what street I was on, so I looked for a landmark. Then I heard classical music, and I walked towards it, then I saw the street band. Unfortunately, I was so amazed by the music that I walked right into one of the Cello players, knocking her over. When she stood up, I discovered it was my friend Marie (who I work with at Best Buy).
She proceeded to tell me that she found out about my trip and decided to join this classical music group in order to meet me in London. Marie then pointed out that my hotel was just across the street and Chelsey had actually beat me there. Needless to say I finally got to my room, opened the door only to see Brady there waiting for me!
I had no idea that he was coming, but he took an early flight so he could surprise me. Of course, were we jet-lagged, and I naturally fell asleep the moment I hit the bed. A couple hours later, I woke up to a loud TV and some laughter. When I looked up, Ovida and Kasara were partying in my room, and Chelsey was gone.
I asked where she went, they told me she went to the bar and would be back in a couple hours. And of course, being in a room with Ovida and Kasarawith a little bit of vodka turned out to be full of silly, drunken girly fun. But Ovida insisted on getting a picture of the three of us together..and when the flash of her camera went off. . .
I woke up.
Anyone looking for a new skateboard? Click here...please?

and I were going to be heading to London, England for a vacation. While we were packing our stuff, I noticed that Chels had some pretty slutty clothes, but I knew that they would look good on her. After packing all of our necessities, we finally headed on the plane. We arrived at about 1:30am, got our shit and chels ditched me because she had to go to the bathroom. According to her, our hotel wasnt that far way, so I decided I would just walk there all by myselfand sure enough I ended up getting lost. I was in an alley full of these crazy little shops, and I kept thinking to myself that I had to remember what street I was on, so I looked for a landmark. Then I heard classical music, and I walked towards it, then I saw the street band. Unfortunately, I was so amazed by the music that I walked right into one of the Cello players, knocking her over. When she stood up, I discovered it was my friend Marie (who I work with at Best Buy).

She proceeded to tell me that she found out about my trip and decided to join this classical music group in order to meet me in London. Marie then pointed out that my hotel was just across the street and Chelsey had actually beat me there. Needless to say I finally got to my room, opened the door only to see Brady there waiting for me!

I woke up.
Anyone looking for a new skateboard? Click here...please?
I too have been experiencing wacky dreams, but nothing that cool.
Waking up in the middle of a cool dream sucks ass though, doesn't it?
it's like $50 for the four days and you have unlimited in/out privilages so you can go into the city when you'd like to.
it's an experience that everyone should have at least once in their life says I.