I had a pretty great weekend! I had originally planned on doing nothing but lounging around on friday night, but I got an email saying the Fluffgirls Burlesque show was on friday night, NOT saturday night. A few of us (Bradethicus, Kasara and her boy) managed to make the proper arrangements to get there. Sadly, everyone else had already made plans or couldn't make it for other reasons. It was a really good show, I'd never seen a burlesque before and I must say it was a good time. Hot girls with dildo's and rubber aviator outfits
Last night we ventured off to the gay bar. A fun time was had, but unfortunaletly, Kasara wasn't feeling so hot so she left early. DespairFactor and I also left kinda early...but we still got to dance our faces off and drink us some porn stars. And it was so good to see beledi again! I hadn't seen her since xmas!!!!
to the rest of you bitches too!
And today I started the work week of death...aka one day off (that I know of) until sunday
But to brighten up my day I got to see Amadeus!!! HAHA I finally put a name to a face!!! Maclay had a really good idea the other day about we should plan for an SG get together where we...wait for it....don't drink our faces off and just watch some good movies. I like the idea...but what the hell do I know...OHh and rumor has it that a certian member who moved to Winnipeg**cough Oracle cough** is coming into town soon....and I know Angelus_am_I could use the smoochies

Last night we ventured off to the gay bar. A fun time was had, but unfortunaletly, Kasara wasn't feeling so hot so she left early. DespairFactor and I also left kinda early...but we still got to dance our faces off and drink us some porn stars. And it was so good to see beledi again! I hadn't seen her since xmas!!!!

And today I started the work week of death...aka one day off (that I know of) until sunday

OOH! Is Oracle really comming to town?! Or did I already miss him?!
Amadeus is one elusive bugger, he better come out to the next SG gathering...Hell, I better come out to the next SG gatehring. Good luck on your week from hell *pat pat*
Back, I think we share a common bond in taht our places of employment are fucktarded. Grrr.
And I missed you gals! I shall be out if full force next SG night!!