As you may, or may not have noticed, I really got sick of Lame, so I killed her and changed my name to Dolce. I love clothes, and nothing else had a nice zing to it, except that so
This weekend, Bradethicus and I were fortunate enough to see Strapping Young Lad play at the University of Regina. And I had the pleasure of running into the ever so sexy Kasara...but I was a little embarrassed because my infamous friend Meghan was there and she was in a huff....I'll explain shortly
The show was really great, Bradethicus and I made it up to the front and these really nice guys lifted me up so I could get some good pictures of the band
After the show, we of course waited around to meet the band, and we missed out on Devin Townsend, but Gene Hoglan came out and autographed my CD...and he recognized me from 2 years ago!!!!
Whoa, Meghan, my silly friend, was acting like a tool at the show because her ex, who she is sleeping with, "accidently" mentioned to his current gf that Meghan would be there. This new gf said if she saw Meghan again, there would be a fight. Meghan was prepping herself all night, and near the end of the show, Amanda (the new gf) arrived. Thankfully, I wasn't there at that point, but Amanda brought a fat friend who tried double teaming Meghan (not the fun way either!)....then I get a call after the show saying: "the bitch hit me, get outside". I got outside and they just bitched back and forth at each other. There was no need for me to rush out and "jump in" but I got a few mouthy cracks to them about being immature and calling them all stupid
That part was fun...and so Dillon & his gf left, and Meghan kept saying what a good friend I was, how I defended her, etc...then she decides to make plans with some people at the show, and DOESN'T invite us (me and Bradethicus)...
Fuck that drove me nuts, she ditched us after begging me to stay with her...
Okay, so I'm done bitching, I just have a question, after all the shit Meghan keeps doing....aka CONSTANTLY dragging me into the middle of her problems and placing me in the most ackward position, is it fair for me to want to avoid her? Any feedback, I don't know what to do?
Lastly, I can't WAIT for next saturday

This weekend, Bradethicus and I were fortunate enough to see Strapping Young Lad play at the University of Regina. And I had the pleasure of running into the ever so sexy Kasara...but I was a little embarrassed because my infamous friend Meghan was there and she was in a huff....I'll explain shortly

Whoa, Meghan, my silly friend, was acting like a tool at the show because her ex, who she is sleeping with, "accidently" mentioned to his current gf that Meghan would be there. This new gf said if she saw Meghan again, there would be a fight. Meghan was prepping herself all night, and near the end of the show, Amanda (the new gf) arrived. Thankfully, I wasn't there at that point, but Amanda brought a fat friend who tried double teaming Meghan (not the fun way either!)....then I get a call after the show saying: "the bitch hit me, get outside". I got outside and they just bitched back and forth at each other. There was no need for me to rush out and "jump in" but I got a few mouthy cracks to them about being immature and calling them all stupid

Okay, so I'm done bitching, I just have a question, after all the shit Meghan keeps doing....aka CONSTANTLY dragging me into the middle of her problems and placing me in the most ackward position, is it fair for me to want to avoid her? Any feedback, I don't know what to do?
Lastly, I can't WAIT for next saturday

Ignore me, I'm dumb. Lurvs the new Dolce though!
Ya.... that whole friend fiasco... just stay out of it, dude. Its not your issue at all!!! Seriously.... messed up. You don't need that drama dragging you down.