Bradethicus rules!!! He bought this for me, and I LOVE IT!!!!! Hoorrayy for strange Japanese video games!!Wow..this is kinda bizzare. Alright, so I am no longer in the comfort of my own home, but I guess thats ok. Last night was pretty great, my best friend Teri decided to actually bail on her boyfriend and come out with me and my other friend Quinn. Since none of us had ever been to JD's we tried going there...and it sucked. We left and ended up at The State, and it was 80's retro night. We danced to just about every stupid song and if you don't believe me, ask Angelus_am_i because he came with us!!
Anyway, with only two weeks before the weekend bash, its time to get down to busy...unfortunately, not the naughty fun kind right now

#1. You guys can start coming at 8 o'clock. Fashionably late is totally welcome, but not necessary.
#2. Due to a lack of interest, no tobogganning will commence...

#3. Winnipeger's, I need to know if you guys can make it out here....
#4. Reginians: I have detailed map made up for you (i drew it myself in paint) and I will also email you all a copy of the written directions, just in case.
#5. Saskatoonians....spinnyginny, I've already got you the written map... and Moose Jawians....you're map/directions are on the way.....
#6. Remember, there will be a dog here...please don't worry she is well behaved and quite old.
#7. Please check out the link for all the newest details. I think these are the most important ones. I can't wait to see you guys and meet some of you guys!!!

more details....and comments on winter bash
Now that I've looked, maybe tax season won't be too bad this year. For one, I don't have a lot of paper to deal with this year. And, by my estimate I should get around five hundred bucks for a return. Which'll go straight onto my visa. Argh!