No, I'm not going to cheat today. This is the first time in a couple days where I've had a real opportunity to sit on the floor of my bedroom and do a journal entry.
This past weekend I bought myself a birthday/xmas present. Yeah yeah i know, xmas is right around the corner, but I say to hell with waiting and I bought myself a brand spankin' new computer...I really hated using my parents because they constantly bitch about file sharing programs and how illiterate they are with their computer. Plus I can get my webcam in my room with all the privacy in the world
With my extravagant self-present buying, I also picked up Racket & Clank: Going Januray, when my job decides to cut all our hours, I will become Hermit Lame, thus playing with all my new toys endlessly
With all the hustle and bustle of grouchy xmas shoppers, I'm finding it difficult to catch the spirit of the hoildays...damn it...anyway, share your xmas shopping horror stories with me to make me feel better and also, don't forget,
next saturday...if you're interested, let me know
This past weekend I bought myself a birthday/xmas present. Yeah yeah i know, xmas is right around the corner, but I say to hell with waiting and I bought myself a brand spankin' new computer...I really hated using my parents because they constantly bitch about file sharing programs and how illiterate they are with their computer. Plus I can get my webcam in my room with all the privacy in the world
With all the hustle and bustle of grouchy xmas shoppers, I'm finding it difficult to catch the spirit of the hoildays...damn it...anyway, share your xmas shopping horror stories with me to make me feel better and also, don't forget,
next saturday...if you're interested, let me know
Hey there, day-before-me birthday girl! What's the plan for the big day?
I'd love to come on Sat, but I have to coach my wrestling team during the day, and then spend the rest of it studying...
I hate this time of year, b/c of finals.... grrrrrrr..... but yeah, maybe if I get a lot done, I could come out for a bit?