**edited to add:
We've got another newbie to SG Saskatchewan. . .introducing: ENIGOMONTOYA!! He's a Regina boy, go check him out and give him some love!!
Ok. Is it just people in Regina that are just insane retards at driving? Because I'm really getting sick of all the fucking psychopath drivers out there!!!
so Monday afternoon I was hanging out with Nicole and I was just going to drop her off and I pulled up to a 2 way stop. There was a car across from me so naturally, he went first, then I was to go (as is the nature of a 2 way stop) so I was turning left and some fucker in a big pickup truck runs the stop sign and comes about 3 feet from broad sideing me when I had the right of way. Whatever so I blared my horn and flipped the guy off and his fucking lunatic wife rolls down the window and starts swearing at me and Nicole. So Nicole noticed that she happens to be a first nations woman and screamed some nasty things to her. Life goes on, we continued on our merry way...I dropped off Nicole and I went pretty much around the block to an intersection that connects to the highway. As I was talking to my mom on my cell phone, I noticed that there was someone pulling out in front of me and that this person was going to hit me. I hung up the phone and moved out of the way by sheer shit luck and low and behold:
IT WAS THE SAME FUCKING TRUCK!!!! and again I hammered on my horn and I was just fucking livid. Especially because they went around the block to see where I went and they were aiming for me. The guy driving sped up to hit me deliberately. I had a styrofoam box near me, I ripped off the lid and wrote down their plate number in big black letters and pushed it against my windsheild and grabbed my phone to show them I was calling the cops. And I did call the cops.
These people have had 4 calls on them this week. I was told this morning by the officer I talked to on Monday that they were arressted last night and are being charged with aggrivated assault and reckless endangerment. If they confess to being assholes, they have to pay a whole wack of fines and what not. If they lie, Nicole and I will have to go to court to testify against them.
Ahh...there. Much better!!! School starts for me on Friday...woot and boo at the same time!
We've got another newbie to SG Saskatchewan. . .introducing: ENIGOMONTOYA!! He's a Regina boy, go check him out and give him some love!!
Ok. Is it just people in Regina that are just insane retards at driving? Because I'm really getting sick of all the fucking psychopath drivers out there!!!
so Monday afternoon I was hanging out with Nicole and I was just going to drop her off and I pulled up to a 2 way stop. There was a car across from me so naturally, he went first, then I was to go (as is the nature of a 2 way stop) so I was turning left and some fucker in a big pickup truck runs the stop sign and comes about 3 feet from broad sideing me when I had the right of way. Whatever so I blared my horn and flipped the guy off and his fucking lunatic wife rolls down the window and starts swearing at me and Nicole. So Nicole noticed that she happens to be a first nations woman and screamed some nasty things to her. Life goes on, we continued on our merry way...I dropped off Nicole and I went pretty much around the block to an intersection that connects to the highway. As I was talking to my mom on my cell phone, I noticed that there was someone pulling out in front of me and that this person was going to hit me. I hung up the phone and moved out of the way by sheer shit luck and low and behold:
IT WAS THE SAME FUCKING TRUCK!!!! and again I hammered on my horn and I was just fucking livid. Especially because they went around the block to see where I went and they were aiming for me. The guy driving sped up to hit me deliberately. I had a styrofoam box near me, I ripped off the lid and wrote down their plate number in big black letters and pushed it against my windsheild and grabbed my phone to show them I was calling the cops. And I did call the cops.
These people have had 4 calls on them this week. I was told this morning by the officer I talked to on Monday that they were arressted last night and are being charged with aggrivated assault and reckless endangerment. If they confess to being assholes, they have to pay a whole wack of fines and what not. If they lie, Nicole and I will have to go to court to testify against them.
Ahh...there. Much better!!! School starts for me on Friday...woot and boo at the same time!
Fuck. That's an adventure and a half girl!
Regina drivers suck ass! Specially when trying to access the university in the morning. I feel your anger