Has there ever been a time in your life that you just feel so anti-social. The thought of having to go out in public even to see your friends has your finding crazy excuses to avoid gatherings? I feel so bad because I am making these excuses to not see some of my really good friends. And the idea of having to go to work makes me feel sick. Like I actually want to vomit.
But I like my job. I'm not mad at any of my friends. The worst of it is that I just feel like staying home with my boy and cuddling. Jesus, even I think thats pathetic.
Ok, so I was spoiled rotten again this year. BradethQ bought me Dance Dance Revolution bundle (the game and dance pad) and it is SO much fun! I think I played for like 4 hours straight last night (and now I hurt). I also got Scandinavian Leather by Turbonegro, not the cd but the FREAKING LP!!! And many many cute little nerdy Prince of Tennis things to make me embarrassingly happy!
BUT the biggest thing I got was my own digital camera. Yeah, my mom hated me stealing "hers" all the time and so I now have my own! Woo!
My tattoo is bothering me because it needs to be touched up really badly. I mean I'm actually embarrassed to show it off because it looks so terrible. Damn it! So I have this whole week off and my plan is to watch movies, read lots of un-schoolish books and play DDR until my legs fall off.
So I'm thinking this is my last journal before the new year, I hear some interesting people may be joining us down here. Let me know whats the what, as I am interested in some possible semi-druken NYE fun. I say semi-druken because I have to work on New Years Day at 9:30 am. Bah!
**edited** Ok Saskatchewan (more specifically Regina) people: what the hell happened to Tattoo Caravan? Did they close? If so, I need to get my tats retouched ASAP and I need a reputable place to go. If Tattoo Caravan is still open, someone PLEASE email me their phone number!! Thanks!

Ok, so I was spoiled rotten again this year. BradethQ bought me Dance Dance Revolution bundle (the game and dance pad) and it is SO much fun! I think I played for like 4 hours straight last night (and now I hurt). I also got Scandinavian Leather by Turbonegro, not the cd but the FREAKING LP!!! And many many cute little nerdy Prince of Tennis things to make me embarrassingly happy!
BUT the biggest thing I got was my own digital camera. Yeah, my mom hated me stealing "hers" all the time and so I now have my own! Woo!
My tattoo is bothering me because it needs to be touched up really badly. I mean I'm actually embarrassed to show it off because it looks so terrible. Damn it! So I have this whole week off and my plan is to watch movies, read lots of un-schoolish books and play DDR until my legs fall off.
So I'm thinking this is my last journal before the new year, I hear some interesting people may be joining us down here. Let me know whats the what, as I am interested in some possible semi-druken NYE fun. I say semi-druken because I have to work on New Years Day at 9:30 am. Bah!
**edited** Ok Saskatchewan (more specifically Regina) people: what the hell happened to Tattoo Caravan? Did they close? If so, I need to get my tats retouched ASAP and I need a reputable place to go. If Tattoo Caravan is still open, someone PLEASE email me their phone number!! Thanks!
I have no idea if I actually called you back last night. Am I taht terrible of a drunk??? Eeeeep.
So ya, I know this is realy really really like, short notice, but do you wanna like meet up today at all while I'm still in town?
i'm quite often anti-social, especially when it comes to the big family gatherings. i usually just find the smoking room and hang out with the people there. and in the last 2 weeks, i haven't hung out with many people, even my bestest of friends, which made me feel sick because i ditched them. sigh.