I'm actually a little sad today. I realized that I have lost all the excitement I once had for the holiday season. Sure, it's really easy to say Merry Christmas but to not feel it at all, oy, it just bums me out a little.
On the plus side, my twin niece and nephew are so darn cute it could actually make my head explode if I began to tell just HOW cute they really are.
I'm going to see Memoirs of a Geisha tomorrow night, and I know you're all thinking "wasn't she going to see that on Dec. 9th?" and to that I say "waaa, I haven't seen it yet"
I couldn't see it on the 9th because it was a limited release and Regina is forced with national release, which is tomorrow. Waa. I'm a big dork.
MistressMinx suggested that the all us girls in the SG Saskatchewan range should get together one of these nights to have a girlie geeky anime/foreign film watching thing. If you ladies are interested, let me know, hopefully we can set something up before the new year & new semester.
My Nicole is gone, she left me for the next couple of days. I'm surprised at how much I miss her, but I guess I haven't really had a good friend like that in such a long time. I think there is like only one other girl I would be sad and bummed if she left town too, but her name is Kasara
I got new shoes in the mail the other day:
Happy End of December and of the Year Celebrations!!
On the plus side, my twin niece and nephew are so darn cute it could actually make my head explode if I began to tell just HOW cute they really are.
I'm going to see Memoirs of a Geisha tomorrow night, and I know you're all thinking "wasn't she going to see that on Dec. 9th?" and to that I say "waaa, I haven't seen it yet"
I couldn't see it on the 9th because it was a limited release and Regina is forced with national release, which is tomorrow. Waa. I'm a big dork.
MistressMinx suggested that the all us girls in the SG Saskatchewan range should get together one of these nights to have a girlie geeky anime/foreign film watching thing. If you ladies are interested, let me know, hopefully we can set something up before the new year & new semester.
My Nicole is gone, she left me for the next couple of days. I'm surprised at how much I miss her, but I guess I haven't really had a good friend like that in such a long time. I think there is like only one other girl I would be sad and bummed if she left town too, but her name is Kasara
I got new shoes in the mail the other day:

Happy End of December and of the Year Celebrations!!
they never mentined your shovel battle tho
they never mentined your shovel battle tho