Well I finally followed the advice of many of my friends and quit my job. Ahh how much better I feel now, like all my stress has just slipped away, of course now I have to begin the job hunt again. I had planned on finding another job first, but well an extremely horrible and painful week pushed me to my wits end and so here we are, I am now unemployed. Anyone want to hire a webdesigner or bad, bad kitty?
Went to see my favorite band the other night with Morticia. Oh how I love Seraphim Shock! Absolutely brilliant, was definitely what I needed to help get me out of my slump.
Anyway, time to run kiddies... let the job hunt begin. Wish me luck!
Went to see my favorite band the other night with Morticia. Oh how I love Seraphim Shock! Absolutely brilliant, was definitely what I needed to help get me out of my slump.
Anyway, time to run kiddies... let the job hunt begin. Wish me luck!
Oh man I was so freakin drunk!!! And I had so much fun, as soon as I saw him I came running to find you so yes I love you!! I have a job interview at this fancy spa on Wed so cross your fingers for me!!! And good luck with your job hunting, if I come across any reason for needing a bad bad kitty I will most certainly call you!!!
Long time no see. Good luck on the job hunt.