Well, this has been one hell of a week that's for sure... started with my days off, which were awesome and lots of fun (thanks Bunny)... of course, something always comes up and I ended up getting really sick over my weekend and still am though I'm finally starting to get over it. Being sick totally sucks, and so does your boss making you work while you're sick especially when she is the one that got you sick, but we won't even open the can of worms that is my work. I could write a bloody novel on all the things that bug/irritate/annoy/infuriate/and make me want to cry about that place. And now, pretty much all of our staff is leaving, and most of the cool people at that. I am so sad. I'm gonna miss you Devachka and Morticia!!! Other than that, yeah not a whole hell of a lot going on, looking forward to my weekend that starts on Tuesday, but have a shit ton of school work to do if I want to graduate on time, ugh, what a pain in the ass. Anyone want to hire a poor, starving web designer? Please?? Hopefully going back to the Springs this week, yeah at this rate I should just rent a damn apartment there, he he. Ahh well, running out of things to say and amazed that I said this much, so goodnight everyone, sleep well and sweet dreams.
Did you go look at that apt yet?? I had a dream about the night before last and I kept on trying to get on SG but the server was down so now I forgot so oh well. I was telling you the whole time that you will make so much more money doing web design. You may hate it but can it really be as bad as where you work now?? Doubt it girly!
You need to start looking at apts so you and Rayne can be closer to me!!! Then we can party and get drunk all the fuckin time!! Woo hoo! Drunk is good. And so is Taco Bell!!