So anyway, I'd just like to wish everyone a belated Happy New Year!
So far mine has actually been quite good, which is a bit of a shocker to me
I ended up getting a new job two days before Christmas which was a wonderful early present, I'm now working at the same company as my mum (sit right behind her in fact) so thats cool, and I'm making tons of money! (by my lowly standards anyway
I celebrated New Years with the fabulous Aphobia and some of our friends. It was great to get out of the house for once, and was in fact the first time I've ever celebrated New Years beyond sitting on my couch and being thankful that another utterly crap year was over.
Other than that not a whole lot going on at the moment, celebrated my mum's birthday last night (although it was actually on Friday). Looking forward to my upcoming tattoo appointment on Wednesday to get two goldfish tattooed on my foot, and my next appointment scheduled for the 26th when I'll be starting my chest piece - early birthday present to me from me
And then of course my birthday two days later which should be good too, got my Westminster buddies coming over on the 27th to celebrate and hang out.
So yeah... 2007 so far is kicking ass! I hope everyone else had a safe and fun New Years and that this year will be better than the last

I celebrated New Years with the fabulous Aphobia and some of our friends. It was great to get out of the house for once, and was in fact the first time I've ever celebrated New Years beyond sitting on my couch and being thankful that another utterly crap year was over.
Other than that not a whole lot going on at the moment, celebrated my mum's birthday last night (although it was actually on Friday). Looking forward to my upcoming tattoo appointment on Wednesday to get two goldfish tattooed on my foot, and my next appointment scheduled for the 26th when I'll be starting my chest piece - early birthday present to me from me

So yeah... 2007 so far is kicking ass! I hope everyone else had a safe and fun New Years and that this year will be better than the last

And pasty's! And proper fish n chips! O man. There are one or two places up here in Vancouver that make decent fish and chips but no one can make a pasty like my aunt. Although people used to literally drive from far away towns to have some of hers in Fowey.
Fudge? Hmmm.... I suppose I could send you some but you'll have to msg me your address. And you'll have to thank Rin for being an awesome fudge maker.
PS: That's fantastic about the job! xo
If you start that shop, I may just have to come by. Colorado is a lot closer than Cornwall.
Otherwise you should come to Vancouver sometime! I promise no pasties but you'll get amazing curry, all the ocean you can handle and the best fish n chips this side of the continent.