So umm yeah... spent 3 hours at the tattoo shop today getting my koi and lotus blossoms finished. It looks freakin' awesome!!! But GODDAMN!! It hurt so bad (just feels a little raw and tender right now). I think my tolerance is way down from last time I was in
which is crappy, but I'm so happy it is finished!!
All we have left to do to it is color the eyes - we kinda forgot that part until after we were finished and I was all cleaned up and there was no way I was getting back in that chair at that point. Scheduled my next appointment, gonna be two days before my 24th birthday and I'm gonna bite the bullet boys and girls. I'm finally going to start my chest piece, I'm totally psyched and at the same time totally terrified because I know it is not gonna feel good one bit
But hey, I have about 2 months to prepare myself for it, I may end up going in for some more work at the beginning of January to get back in the swing of things, but yeah, it's gonna be awesome.
So yeah, I'm back down to one job again now (thank god!) gave my two weeks at my bullshit retail job last week, but decided today to say fuck it and not go in. I came home from my appointment and completely crashed (see boys and girls, this is why you should remember to eat before getting tattooed) and just turned off my phone. I figure they can all kiss my ass, I've paid my dues at that hell hole.
Other than that, not a whole lot happening right now, but it's gonna be pretty hectic for the next few weeks. My brother, sister-in-law and her mother fly in on Friday, I'm SOOOO excited!!
Can't wait to see my brother
It's already been a year since I've seen him, going on 4 now since I've seen my other brother
And then the 4th is my dad's 50th birthday so thats kinda cool, poor old fart. Then my family flies back home the following Sunday, and the weekend after that I have my monthly get-together with my buddies in Westminster and then the next weekend is Christmas. So yeah, even though I now have weekends back the next four are pretty much booked solid. Ahh, ain't life grand?
So yeah, I feel good... got my stress relief this morning, got a nap this afternoon, caught up with my buddy Hugodwarf and am looking forward to just being a bum tomorrow. I'd say at this point that life is pretty good

So yeah, I'm back down to one job again now (thank god!) gave my two weeks at my bullshit retail job last week, but decided today to say fuck it and not go in. I came home from my appointment and completely crashed (see boys and girls, this is why you should remember to eat before getting tattooed) and just turned off my phone. I figure they can all kiss my ass, I've paid my dues at that hell hole.
Other than that, not a whole lot happening right now, but it's gonna be pretty hectic for the next few weeks. My brother, sister-in-law and her mother fly in on Friday, I'm SOOOO excited!!

So yeah, I feel good... got my stress relief this morning, got a nap this afternoon, caught up with my buddy Hugodwarf and am looking forward to just being a bum tomorrow. I'd say at this point that life is pretty good

wow sounds like you have a busy month coming up, but filled with good things. It's always nice to see the family you like. My uncle is going to be in Durango the week before xmas so I'm going down there to see him. I can't wait.