So yeah, the snow totally sucked my ass this weekend!
not only was it shitty because well, snow just sucks, but I also ended up getting my car stuck in a 2ft drift at my parents house in Elizabeth, had to have my boss drive out to come get me for my shift and take me to work, have another co-worker drive me back to my house after my shift so that I could grab clean clothes and feed my cats and *then* have Hugodwarf drive me back out to Elizabeth (thanks *SO* much for that by the way Hugo, I totally owe you dinner sweety
) Ugh, and all because my boss was being a bitch and wouldn't let me call in, fucking cunt. Lets see... it ended up taking me two days to get my car out during which I screwed up my back (I always seem to hurt it in the snow somehow) and ended up having the builders for my parents place tow me out with their truck. A fucking nightmare I tell you!!
So, anyway... today was my first day at my new job
It went pretty well, everyone was really nice except for the snotty bitch of a receptionist who apparently nobody likes and the big boss man telling my supervisor that my shirt was inappropriate because "it looks more like she is going to a rock concert than coming to work." Okay, bite me asshole! I was told before starting the job that the dress code was very casual, jeans and t-shirts everyday, so.. I wore a t-shirt. Hell, it was even one of my nicer t-shirts, no naked ladies, no offensive words or anything "inappropriate" Can someone explain to me why it is okay for people to wear sports t-shirts and the like but not okay for me to wear a band shirt? Double standard maybe? "Oh its okay to wear a sports shirt as long as it is plastered with the local sports team" You know what? FUCK THE BRONCOS!! They suck! They couldn't fight their way out of a bloody wet paper sack, and hey Dimmu Borgir (the band I was wearing) could kick the Broncos fucking asses any day! GO DIMMU!!
Argh, so yeah I think I am done ranting. Besides the snotty receptionist and the boss being an uptight prick everyone else I work with is way cool and they were all really nice; the job itself is cake and should be no problem at all. So yeah... I think thats about it for now.

So, anyway... today was my first day at my new job

I am so happy you liked the new Bailey set! You will find behind the scenes info in my Oct. 31st journal entry. So did you notice the burning car?