Well I rescheduled my tattoo appointment for August 18th, glad I was able to get a new appointment set, but sad that I had to cancell it in the first place. However, I am totally pysched about getting my right forearm relined; it's been at least four years since I got the tattoo and I've honestly never been all that happy with it (the artist was a complete dipshit), so it'll be good to have it looking clean and fresh. So we're gonna freshen up the morning glories around my wrist, and get the mermaid looking serene and sensual again, plus we're adding a sunken pirate ship, hell yeah! Argh, matey's
Now I just need to work on a plan for the rest of the arm, thinking of more mermaids and such, and perhaps a compass to cap my shoulder. And once money starts flowing in again I should be able to get the final color session done on my koi, it's just the actual koi and lotus blossoms left now

I think I may have to pick up another job.