Okay, so I am blogging because I really can't think of anything else to do and I need to vent a little, so here goes...
In a nut shell this week *sucks*
Still nothing fantastic on the job front though I do have an interview on Monday morning, so we will see how that goes and hopefully I'll get some more responses from the 20 jobs I applied for last night.
Other than that, everything is kinda at a standstill. I think I have cabin fever and yet I don't really have a desire to get out and do anything. I'm lonely, and I mean starved for human contact kind of lonely. I'm actually regretting breaking up with my boyfriend right now, I mean yes he turned out to be an ass, and yes the sex was terrible and I did all the driving (to Westminster from Parker and back), but I miss simply having that special someone in my life. I miss having someone to cuddle with and watch movies with, I miss talking on the phone at night while I'm getting ready for bed, having the knowledge that there is someone there for you. I don't miss him exactly I guess, just the idea of him. We're still friends, but its in that awkward "we used to date and now we're friends and I'm not sure what I can say" stage (not to mention that he teases me horribly and then leaves me hanging at the end of the night). I don't really hang out with any of my other friends, one makes me feel like a third wheel, one lives too far away and one always makes me feel like my problems don't matter, that their's takes presidence over anything that may be bothering me. Basically I feel trapped in a life I don't want and I don't know how to fix it. I am becoming a cat lady and that disturbs me. What disturbs me even more is that I am 23 and in my entire life I have only had one relationship that lasted for longer than a few months. It was 3 1/2 years long and was about the same amount of time ago, since then its just been an endless stream of fuck-ups and screw-overs.
And now I have to go because the cats are in the trash... again. Little bastards, how I love them dearly.
In a nut shell this week *sucks*

Other than that, everything is kinda at a standstill. I think I have cabin fever and yet I don't really have a desire to get out and do anything. I'm lonely, and I mean starved for human contact kind of lonely. I'm actually regretting breaking up with my boyfriend right now, I mean yes he turned out to be an ass, and yes the sex was terrible and I did all the driving (to Westminster from Parker and back), but I miss simply having that special someone in my life. I miss having someone to cuddle with and watch movies with, I miss talking on the phone at night while I'm getting ready for bed, having the knowledge that there is someone there for you. I don't miss him exactly I guess, just the idea of him. We're still friends, but its in that awkward "we used to date and now we're friends and I'm not sure what I can say" stage (not to mention that he teases me horribly and then leaves me hanging at the end of the night). I don't really hang out with any of my other friends, one makes me feel like a third wheel, one lives too far away and one always makes me feel like my problems don't matter, that their's takes presidence over anything that may be bothering me. Basically I feel trapped in a life I don't want and I don't know how to fix it. I am becoming a cat lady and that disturbs me. What disturbs me even more is that I am 23 and in my entire life I have only had one relationship that lasted for longer than a few months. It was 3 1/2 years long and was about the same amount of time ago, since then its just been an endless stream of fuck-ups and screw-overs.
And now I have to go because the cats are in the trash... again. Little bastards, how I love them dearly.