Ouch... pain, pain pain... I went and got the first session of color done on my koi this morning, finally got all the water colored. It looks absolutely gorgeous, but damn did it hurt! I had forgotten how much the back of my calf burns and don't even get me started on the back of the knee
ouchie. But it was definitely worth it in the end. I'm totally excited about going back in 3 weeks, we're going to start on fixing the tattoo on my right arm (Morning Glories around my wrist, a mermaid, an achor, a turtle named Herbert (I don't know why) and a bunch of other underwater type stuff) which I have now had for about 4 years and have never been really happy with. So we are re-outlining everything (oh joy) and adding in a sunken pirate ship, argh matey!
Speaking of which I'm planning on going to see Pirates tomorrow, mmm Johnny Depp, *so* excited and then if I have time swinging by to check out Hugodwarf's World Cup shindigg. Also looking forward to spending some time with Aphobia next Friday and having movie night, I really do need to get back to having a social life.
Other than that there's not a whole lot going on around here. Work sucks tremendously, we are severely short staffed, two people (one of whom is our supervisor) are on vacation and then we had someone quit on Wednesday. The dumb bitch couldn't even have the courtesy to finish out the week, we had no forewarning and basically were left floundering. It sucks my ass, and most definitely not in any kind of good way. I *REALLY* want to quit my job but unfortunately until I find something else it can be no more than a decadent fantasy.
Oooh yeah, my oldest brother is supposed to be coming out from England with his wife to visit later this year, I am totally pysched! I miss my family back home so much and it'll be awesome to see them and show them my new place, yay! But anyway, I think I've said enough for now. Hope everyone else is doing well

Speaking of which I'm planning on going to see Pirates tomorrow, mmm Johnny Depp, *so* excited and then if I have time swinging by to check out Hugodwarf's World Cup shindigg. Also looking forward to spending some time with Aphobia next Friday and having movie night, I really do need to get back to having a social life.
Other than that there's not a whole lot going on around here. Work sucks tremendously, we are severely short staffed, two people (one of whom is our supervisor) are on vacation and then we had someone quit on Wednesday. The dumb bitch couldn't even have the courtesy to finish out the week, we had no forewarning and basically were left floundering. It sucks my ass, and most definitely not in any kind of good way. I *REALLY* want to quit my job but unfortunately until I find something else it can be no more than a decadent fantasy.
Oooh yeah, my oldest brother is supposed to be coming out from England with his wife to visit later this year, I am totally pysched! I miss my family back home so much and it'll be awesome to see them and show them my new place, yay! But anyway, I think I've said enough for now. Hope everyone else is doing well

despite the fact that I read a lot of comics I don't tend to get lusty over drawings - unless it's Power Girl's chest, painted by Alex Ross
so, um, do you actually look like the girl in that drawing or what?
smoked chicken eh? well, I prefer smoked salmon myself, if you get my drift
and sorry to disappoint you, but whenever someone tells me to talk dirty to them I start having traumatic memories of the hair metal days in 1987