So I was bored earlier this evening, decided to kill some time hanging out on MySpace, see if I could find anyone I want to school with back in the day and I came to a realization... it seems that my high school was simply a facade for a brood-mare producing facility. Out of all the people that graduated with me, it seems that a staggering number of them are now settled down, married with a bundle of snot-nosed little brats as souvenirs. Now, this got me thinking, wondering a little about myself... we all know I'm a wee bit strange, at least if you know me well god only knows you have an inkling of my strangeness, and that's cool, its a good kind of weird, but this trend among my fellow alumni to get married and pop out a couple of kids makes me wonder if my lack of desire to populate the world with my dim-witted and pathetic spawn is a sign of a deeper and more serious "weirdness", one that perhaps isn't so cool. Is it odd that at the ripe 'ole age of 23 I think it is too soon to be married, tied down "till death do us part" to one person and to have a bunch of rugrats to be responsible for? I mean, I have cats, they're my babies and I love them dearly, but thats about all the responsibility I can handle thank you very much. Not to mention, what I perceieve to be the monotony of married life. Hello? What happened to living your life? To enjoying your youth, exploiting it while you still have it and simply getting out there to explore and relish life? I for one am in no rush to settle down and have some guy make an "honest" woman of me, hell I want a man to make a dirty whore of me (but that's another matter entirely, we'll save that for another day).
I don't really know why I started this rant, or why on some deep level I am in a way offended by my fellow graduates selling their youth short in an attempt to fit into the image that the yuppy-ville hell hole we lived in wants them to be. I have one word for all of those people who have turned out just like their cookie-cutter parents living in their cookie-cutter houses: BAA! Bloody sheep.
So yeah, I guess my rant is done, I ran out of steam, I'm tired and a little grouchy so I'm going to bed. Hope everyone is well, and hey, if you agree with my opinionated little outburst, give me an "Amen" Love you all! Smoochies and huggles.
I don't really know why I started this rant, or why on some deep level I am in a way offended by my fellow graduates selling their youth short in an attempt to fit into the image that the yuppy-ville hell hole we lived in wants them to be. I have one word for all of those people who have turned out just like their cookie-cutter parents living in their cookie-cutter houses: BAA! Bloody sheep.
So yeah, I guess my rant is done, I ran out of steam, I'm tired and a little grouchy so I'm going to bed. Hope everyone is well, and hey, if you agree with my opinionated little outburst, give me an "Amen" Love you all! Smoochies and huggles.
plus, we waited like 6 years before having kids, so our first handful of years were pretty free, almost like having a roommate that you'd shag and hang out with a lot, lol...
I guess I can understand where you're coming from but I'm also 6-7 years older than you, so...
I guess there's not much point to my posting this here after all