I loved Frank MIller before, and even more now

Wow... It has been a long time since I have been able to give a movie a 9.... maybe even a 10

This is the new film, by which all over films this year will be rated...

I hope it will stand up for a whole year 'till next year's Oscars...
Aww.. Thanks.. blush
What is with all of these groups now requesting everyone to keep an updated journal? I can understand if it is a local group, with information of people in the area.. I mean.. safety is a concern, I understand (even if it is annoying as hell), but why the hell would any average group require you to keep a blog. I have been on this...
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You know why i hate these things... how do you repond to the responses.... do you go to that persons profile, and repond there, so that when other people are reading it, it's like "Where the fuck did that come from???" Or do you respond in your own profile so that the other person probably won't see it before you make another post...

This thought...
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Thanks for the set comment! smile
sorry to hear about your job. but that was a super long time ago so i don't think it still applies.

Yeah... umm... its been quite a while since I updated this thing... ummm...

So no one probably even will see this, but here is what is new with me.

I am really hating my job a lot. I that was I was misenthropic before entering the retail sales industry... but WOW.... I am actually finding myself being rascist, close minded, and more hatefull to people...
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Dude... where do you work? I used to work at Stoon Future Shop and I felt so horrid for the sales guys because it does turn them into being terrible.

Nice, you live here and you have prolly seen me naked by now wink and who knows, I might see you in person someday. Add Tokyoseven to your list; he's from Stoon too.

Should I take that particular entry (about my ex, the recent one) off of being "members only" so that he'll have access (I know he reads from time to time) or should I not let him know what's he's done?
Why do women always say, or ask, where have all the nice men gone? Where is a nice guy?
Like it really fucking matters, why not be realistic and say what you mean.

"Don't bother listening to me, im just a lunatic who wants to complain that there are no nice guys anymore, cause my asshole boyfriend just pissed me off. But really, he is...
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i think lottsa girls want a "nice guy" but the version of "nice guy" differs from person to person, as does every definition. usually the truely "nice guys" are hiding cuz they haven't been jaded by the "real" world. the assholes are the ones who get the attention cuz they are louder/have more confidence than the "nice guys".

granted SOME girls want a "nice guy" with a big dick, but there are some who actually want a nice guy who has other attributes aswell/instead of. (btw - it's not the size of the boat but how you rock it wink)

as for the SG Regina thang. get you ass down here and have some good ol' Regina fun. cuz we are SO better than the 'toon. tongue
(it's cuz we gots ourself a lazer shooting place)
where ARE all the nice guys, that im actually attracted to??? that should be the real statement... i dont say that because of an asshole ex.. biggrin
If rappers, and other people comming up from the "ghetto", making millions of dallars, really want to stay true to their roots, why the fuck don't they only buy 1 bentley and give the 400 000 to the local school... is it just me that finds this completely fucking retarted? If I hear one more person talking about how they are keepin' it real to...
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Welcome to SGMC!
Please post your bike in Pix of my bike and introduce yourself in theNew Guy topic.

As for your journal, you almost score a fucking bullseye. The only glitch I see is that I wonder if they really are SO immersed in Ghetto-mindset that they don't see the school as a way out at all. Else they're just fucking greedy. I wonder what would happen if Allen Iverson gave his grade school a million bucks and offered to do homework with a group of kids on the first Monday of each school month. Would JLo and 50cent follow suit?
haha I've always wondered that myself. I just don't understand how having a kabillion dollars and "keeping it real" can even be used by a rapper.
I woke up at 12 midnight today (tonight?)
I seem to be plagued with insomnia... only not real insomnia, more like a depressive poser insomnia. It's not so much that I can't sleep normal hours, it is just that I choose not to. I want to be normal... what do I mean by normal, here, I will paint you a picture.

I open my eyed...
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Got your app to SG Motorcycles. Please post in MY journal a little bit about what you ride, where, how long you've been riding, etc. If you don't currently ride, say something about why you should be a member of SGMC anyway. Anything to let me know you're for real will do. If you know a current SGMC member, have him/her leave me a note in my journal.

I am back... not that anyone will prolly remember me.. lol
I haven't been on here forever, because I didn't have a credit card. I had just got into the canada group too before, now I am going to have to wait again.. oh well.

Yeah, this will be pretty pointless entry, I am just writing anything so that I have something up here... damn...
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haha.. i almost forgot about the bald pics.. im totally posting those here if I still have them... TOTALLY

Sweet, im gonna be a big naked fat man on suicidegirls... whoooot... run everyone while you still can..

SOrry about fucking your mom too dude... its just happened.

[Edited on Mar 23, 2004 11:34AM]
aww shucks...pink confused