I've been gone since last summer. Some of you stayed in touch, some, not so much.
I became a daddy in April and that takes up a lot of time. My little girl is AMAZING and it's beyond cool that I get to hang out with her after work every day and see her grow
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Missed a lot of you! Especially @maggie_fracture , @trayne & @jadiewahh!
What have I missed?!
So I've been hard-core dieting on a plan I found thanks to @galda wanted to post some before and current as I'm proud of where I've got to, I still have around 1st 11lbs (35lbs) to go, but getting closer every day! :)
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Nope, not the sexy kind that ladies grow, but the gross kind that some women choose to wear...
Someone I follow posted about their love of fur today, and tried to justify it by saying it was second hand and only cost $20
So that's ok, no animal died to make you feel 'fancy' huh? Wait... Yeah they did!
It's gross, I can't believe anyone...
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So, my beard is taking shape nicely, and I've started using beard oil... Sandalwood, natch
People say they love the smell, but it reminds me of furniture polish.
It's making my beard epic though!