Job interview time!
Job interview time!
So I just saw @nayru 's instagram post about world mental health day.
Today I was signed off work today with stress and depression. I thought that was pretty apt.
It's a scary thing, going to the doctor because you feel like there's something not right about mentally. I found it really difficult to talk. I got on and I managed to get out "I'm...
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This is me and my Grandad. His name is Dalton James. He was born in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica in December 1930. He was bright, really bright. He had a law scholarship in Jamaica, but he made some youthful mistakes and had to get out of there, he came to England when he was 21. There wasn't a lot of opportunity for a young black man
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So, I have to wear glasses now...
I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I think it makes me considerably less badass...
I'm FAR too sick of people's shit already today. Thank God for eurogamer this weekend