There reaches a time in life where it may appear to be so dark that you can't see the light in front of you. In the past few months life has gone from bad to worse... I trust that it will get better... this too shall pass... the love I've lost, the second garnishment I have, the depression I've been dealing with... it will all pass... I believe that everything happens for a reason and although life seems bleak at the moment this is just the path that I need to take... I lost my faith for many years and forgot a part of who I was... So now I will turn back from what I have become so that I might rediscover who I am... no longer scared I press forward. This life has meaning, this life has love, this life is amazing, even in pain beauty and love can be found. I am loved by few but I love many... I live this life to help and love others. In doing so I am true to myself! Have a great week everyone and remember that its always darkest before the dawn and that this too shall pass!
*hug* It has to get better.