I Won!!!
Lastnight I got into a debate about whos car was shittier, mine or hers. We both examined each others car inside and out, and we did the start up test. We both accepted that each others car sucked, but insisted that our car was shitter.
We needed a non-bios party to examine the evidence and decide whos car was the bigger heap. Since there was $2 on the table, we picked someone that didn't know either of us to decide.
I thought that I would walk away just on the fact that my car was wide open with the windows down, and hers was locked with a nice CD player. However her car had been rearended so the back was smashed up. After we presented our cars to the judge we each did the startup test, again good for me because my car has the blub-blub sound.
When it was over the judge said that my car was a bigger heap inside, but hers was more trashed outside. So it came down to the start up and because of that my car was the bigger piece of shit.
w00t w00t, gimmie my $2!!!
I put my car aganst anyone car for the biggest piece of crap!
Lastnight I got into a debate about whos car was shittier, mine or hers. We both examined each others car inside and out, and we did the start up test. We both accepted that each others car sucked, but insisted that our car was shitter.
We needed a non-bios party to examine the evidence and decide whos car was the bigger heap. Since there was $2 on the table, we picked someone that didn't know either of us to decide.
I thought that I would walk away just on the fact that my car was wide open with the windows down, and hers was locked with a nice CD player. However her car had been rearended so the back was smashed up. After we presented our cars to the judge we each did the startup test, again good for me because my car has the blub-blub sound.
When it was over the judge said that my car was a bigger heap inside, but hers was more trashed outside. So it came down to the start up and because of that my car was the bigger piece of shit.
w00t w00t, gimmie my $2!!!
I put my car aganst anyone car for the biggest piece of crap!
Yay Virginia people. meow.