So I'm back in Ohio... well I've been back for a few days but ya know whatever.
I feel all emotional and stressed and not good.
my kids have been driving me crazy they both have been acting like spoiled brats... oh, wait they are. especially since they have just spent a week with my parents and then my mother in law was here for the last few days spoiling them some more.
It really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when they say they hate me because I wont get them something they don't need or I wont take them to the fair b/c they have been acting bad.
all my husband tells me is to beat their asses... well, I have nothing against spanking or anything, I indeed have spanked them before but that has been in extreme situations.
anywho I don't know what to do...
then I'm also all stressed b/c of the whole decision to move thing.
I really liked it up in Oregon and would like to move there but my 7 year old freaks out and starts crying anytime someone mentions moving.
plus my parents are 100% against it.
my husband has a job interview out there today so if he gets it and it seems like a good fit I guess I'll feel a little bit more secure about moving out there. although my parents will probably hate me forever for taking away their precious spoiled grandchildren...
One guy at work the other day asked me "wont you miss your friends if you move all the way out there"... ummm what friends?
I have very few and the ones I do have I very rarely see or even talk to.
oh also I have more bad news... I took out my nipple rings for like less then a day and they closed up. they have been pierced for like 2 years so I didn't think it would be a problem but apparently it was
so now my nipples look naked to me and its very unsettling for some reason.
so whenever I have the money which will probably be in like 10 years I was thinking about getting em' pierced vertically.
what do y'all think? yay or nay?
well sorry I'm not my usual peppy self, I don't wanna be a debbie downer but I just needed to vent so thanks for putting up with me
I feel all emotional and stressed and not good.
my kids have been driving me crazy they both have been acting like spoiled brats... oh, wait they are. especially since they have just spent a week with my parents and then my mother in law was here for the last few days spoiling them some more.
It really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when they say they hate me because I wont get them something they don't need or I wont take them to the fair b/c they have been acting bad.
all my husband tells me is to beat their asses... well, I have nothing against spanking or anything, I indeed have spanked them before but that has been in extreme situations.
anywho I don't know what to do...
then I'm also all stressed b/c of the whole decision to move thing.
I really liked it up in Oregon and would like to move there but my 7 year old freaks out and starts crying anytime someone mentions moving.
plus my parents are 100% against it.
my husband has a job interview out there today so if he gets it and it seems like a good fit I guess I'll feel a little bit more secure about moving out there. although my parents will probably hate me forever for taking away their precious spoiled grandchildren...
One guy at work the other day asked me "wont you miss your friends if you move all the way out there"... ummm what friends?
I have very few and the ones I do have I very rarely see or even talk to.
oh also I have more bad news... I took out my nipple rings for like less then a day and they closed up. they have been pierced for like 2 years so I didn't think it would be a problem but apparently it was

so now my nipples look naked to me and its very unsettling for some reason.
so whenever I have the money which will probably be in like 10 years I was thinking about getting em' pierced vertically.
what do y'all think? yay or nay?
well sorry I'm not my usual peppy self, I don't wanna be a debbie downer but I just needed to vent so thanks for putting up with me

doi it soon cause I wanna see! hell i'd love to do more..... but i'll be a good boy.