oh man! I am so pissed at myself.
I just bought a night light for my self but purchased the wrong size light bulb... It fits in the socket but I needed like a candle shape and I got a round so now the shade doesn't fit
stupid me!
anywho I watched Antichrist last night and it was horrible! don't watch it! There is this one part.... ugh! I can't even talk about it without feeling lightheaded... its.... just..... TERRIBLE. I am traumatized from it.
anywho I made some tie dye shirts with my kids the other day here is one of mine:
and here is me without my shirt:
good night all!

anywho I watched Antichrist last night and it was horrible! don't watch it! There is this one part.... ugh! I can't even talk about it without feeling lightheaded... its.... just..... TERRIBLE. I am traumatized from it.
anywho I made some tie dye shirts with my kids the other day here is one of mine:

and here is me without my shirt:

good night all!

Re: your comment on my pics; I hope you LIKE guacamole, 'cos then it's a good thing, right? Haha.