Sick again. I hate going to the Doctor. I'd rather not know what is wrong with me. The new alment seems to be with my liver. WTF? Had blood work done friday so I guess I'll keep you posted on that.
I started having really bad pains in my side aboyt 2 months ago. I went to the Doctor and she said it was most likely caused by my tubal performed 7 months ago after I had my daughter and that it was normal. Well the pain never stopped. So I went to a new doctor and he did a full blood screening checking all my organs. The results came back for abnormal liver function. I just had a second blood test done to recheck everything after fasting for 42 hours. I'm really not sure what all of this means and I kinda afraid to ask. Is it fatty liver? Is it liver desease? I'm not sure. I go to a specialist on December 18th to find out. Till then they got me on a fat free, no beer diet. It sucks but if I want to get better and get everything back the way it should be then i gotta listen right?
I started having really bad pains in my side aboyt 2 months ago. I went to the Doctor and she said it was most likely caused by my tubal performed 7 months ago after I had my daughter and that it was normal. Well the pain never stopped. So I went to a new doctor and he did a full blood screening checking all my organs. The results came back for abnormal liver function. I just had a second blood test done to recheck everything after fasting for 42 hours. I'm really not sure what all of this means and I kinda afraid to ask. Is it fatty liver? Is it liver desease? I'm not sure. I go to a specialist on December 18th to find out. Till then they got me on a fat free, no beer diet. It sucks but if I want to get better and get everything back the way it should be then i gotta listen right?
Hope you get to know whats wrong!!!!!
arrrg if i was to count the amount of times ive been to the doc in the past year...geesh!They are theiving bastards!