Hey peeps! Sorry I've been quiet- I've had a lot going on at the moment but I thought I'd do a bit of blog homework ^^
I always have a few tv series/seasons on the go, the ones I will mention are some of my favourites.
Firstly.....Fairy Tail is the best. You just can't beat it (in my opinion). I am broken that this is the last season of it and omg what will we do when it's gone 😥 I have heard that they are going to do a spin off but still 😥 Literally every new episode has got me in tears! It's just amazing. Natsu and Mira are the best!
Has anyone been watching Sabrina on Netflix? what do you think? Personally I love it and it's gutting that there are only like 10 episodes at a time- I need more! My favourite character has got to be Ambrose, Ante Hilda... and Sabrina at the end when she's not as whiny 😅
Lastly Game of thrones! Every Monday! but it's annoying having to wait a week for the next episode- I'm just super impatient and need to find out what happens. It's been an awesome few episodes so far and I'm looking forward to tonight's!