10-24 A creepy story!
So, when I was a teen, I had my friend staying overnight (everyone had went out for the day) so there was no one else in the house.
....We were watching movies and chatting shit like every other teenager- she got up to go to the bathroom (which was upstairs), and I decided it'd be hilarious if I hid behind the curtains and give her a fright when she came back.
I heard footsteps coming from the stairs so I got behind the curtains in wait, holding in my laughter!
I really thought it was her because I heard a girl saying 'where has she gone I thought she was here' I thought to myself great it didn't work and I heard steps going into the kitchen!
I thought I'd try my luck again so I snuck to the bottom of the stairs where I saw my friend just leaving the bathroom!
It's safe to say we stayed in my room until everyone got back! We.Were.Super.Spooked!
I don't know how to explain it to this day, and normally I'm sceptical!
@rambo @missy