I am shaking so much, I don't know if I can even find the means to type this!
We did it!! I have been pinked! "Wanna Hang?" shot by @hmp_photo was selected for front page!
I want to thank @missy & @sean for creating a community of love and acceptance! Something I've wanted so badly for years to be accepted into! Thank you @penny & @rambo and to all SG staff for making my experience here amazing and for making this community run the way it does! Thank you to @hmp_photo for making me feel so beautiful and SG official worthy with this set. To @lunalavendre @emanuel for being 2 of my biggest cheerleaders. To my amazing partners for telling me daily to believe in myself and that I am worthy. To all the AMAZING friends and support system I've developed from this community on and off site. And to every single one of you who have continued to show me love on my sets, posts, streams, messages, etc.
You all are the reason this was all possible and I am forever grateful for your hand in making one of my biggest dreams a reality! Today I am on cloud nine. I love you all!
Baby Rae ๐ค