where should i start.....well i have a girlfriend now. yay! it the same girl i'v been talking about for awhile. so far its been good. we finaly had sex the other night. yay! only cause we had to get a hotel for the night. ehh...since we dont have our own place's and she doesnt like to have sex in the car, for the first time. i kind of dont blame her, butt at the same time im like..cum on its only a car. and it would be fun. even though she wouldnt mind if we were together longer and it wasnt our first time having sex with each other. butt im enjoying her as my girlfriend. so yesterday was my grandma's was a fun bday. my mom was down here for the weekend. that was nice to see her. so i got my grandma a remote control hummer h2 car. she really wants the real hummer. only in yellow. so my brother and i found one in yellow and so we bought for her. her jaw just droped when she saw it. she loves it. so then i another gift i got her a pair of thongs. yes thongs i got for my grandma. they were a joke present. i think she shit herself when she saw them. everyone thought that was the best present she got last night. everyone was laughing there ass off. yeah that was great. so tonight, i was at my dads house...he was bugging the hell out of me..cause he was picking at this blister on his finger. so it started to bleed. so then i walk in the house, asked my step sister if i could use one of her tampon's. so she gave one to me...wondering why i wanted a tampon..hehe if she only knew. ok back to the i walked back outside and i couldnt get the damn thing opened with my fingers, so i use my teeth to unwrap the tampon, and while im doing this my dad is watching me getting all grossed out. so i got the tampon out and gave it to my dad to putt it on his finger.....he ran away from me. lol. so i chased him around the front yard. and i tried to give it to him again...butt this time i tried to putt it down his he knocked it out of my hand. asshole. so i picked it up...and putt it in his drink. butt i only wanted the string hang out so he would have to pull it so the whole damn thing fell i was trying to get the tampon out before he knew what i was doing....butt nooo he cought me.. was funny. time to go to bed.............

WOw about the thong present. My grammy would not be amused. And what is it and boys playing with tampons? This guy I went to high school with, took one of mine and used it as a neclace.
hahaha! thongs for the Grams! awesome. Bet that was a kodak moment. Sounds like things are going well....Good! Dude, h'come we never seem to be on at the same time!? I guess you're it then....TAG. Catch you later!