i did...butt you didnt look over. oh well better luck next time. hehe. so last night i took my brother out. he turned 21 on wendesday...i got him a drink called cement mixer...its bailys irish cream in one glass and lemon juice in the other..and you mix them in your mouth and it turns into like hard jello. hahaha..that was funny as hell. he almost puked on him self. we went with a few of his co-workers. played some pool. and i even got drunk...i dont drink that often. i have an olser. so later on that night..we found out our dad had a minor heart attack.. thats two this week. and he still wouldnt go to the damn hospital. unless he doesnt feel better tomorrow. i have tomorrow off. yay! butt i dont think im doing thing. i really dont know anyone down here. or where to go for fun. hmm..............