From silentobjectorx
@babygirlgracie thanks for the follow back! Hope you like insane amounts of music on my page either mainstream good or obscure good or weirdly unknown but good to you and/or others in the end, then I think you'll like stopping by my page! A friendly welcome to the site from me to you and I hope to see more of your work when you have it! The set "Get To Know Gracie" is a great debut set! If you see this, did you shoot this or is it someone else? Whomever did, it's fantastic for a debut set with that title, blunt honest in what it effectively delivers on simply and cool-ly succinct, that you visually nail in a set that I consider from the title and visual you went for is in a members opinion one of the best debut sets I've seen in the site as far as simplicity, but cool and honest and sexy simplicity where you are visually in all metric of "fantastic quality" in this kind of ar