i saw the most amazing installation today in the men's room of the school cafeteria...
at least, i can only assume that this is what it was:
someone had taken a copy of the school paper, which is a total piece of shit in and of itself, with a picture of schwarzeneggeron the cover to boot, and placed it face up in the toilet so that his picture was smiling right up at you, slowly becoming urine-soaked.
on the ground in front of the toilet, then, were two enormous and highly impacted turds, each one the size of a decorative pine-cone--the kind people put on their hearths--but composed of an ungodly mass of concord grape-sized adobe shit-marbles... they reminded me somewhat of the popcorn balls people once gave out at halloween, pre-razor blade scare of '74... that, or really big handgrenades.
what ass could possibly have bourne these monstrous beasts without killing the mother in labor? could they have been sculpture?
i'm still not quite sure what to make of it... was it an angry artistic statement of the highest order of vitriol? or was it a truly human moment of personal struggle, perhaps even tragedy? had the shitter laughed, or cried as they exited the stall? ...or both? was there a chronological causality to it?
...could it be the same poo, back and forth, forever?
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at least, i can only assume that this is what it was:
someone had taken a copy of the school paper, which is a total piece of shit in and of itself, with a picture of schwarzeneggeron the cover to boot, and placed it face up in the toilet so that his picture was smiling right up at you, slowly becoming urine-soaked.
on the ground in front of the toilet, then, were two enormous and highly impacted turds, each one the size of a decorative pine-cone--the kind people put on their hearths--but composed of an ungodly mass of concord grape-sized adobe shit-marbles... they reminded me somewhat of the popcorn balls people once gave out at halloween, pre-razor blade scare of '74... that, or really big handgrenades.
what ass could possibly have bourne these monstrous beasts without killing the mother in labor? could they have been sculpture?
i'm still not quite sure what to make of it... was it an angry artistic statement of the highest order of vitriol? or was it a truly human moment of personal struggle, perhaps even tragedy? had the shitter laughed, or cried as they exited the stall? ...or both? was there a chronological causality to it?
...could it be the same poo, back and forth, forever?
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errrm - no
The mental picture of those turds will haunt my dreams.