well dear friends,
it kills me every time to begin anew - i become so attached to everyone's comments! in the end it is for the best, though, right? attachment = the root of all suffering and all that...
besides, i have strayed from my original intention of listing three things daily which inspired me in one way or another. back on track, then, shall we? these are visions which moved me in ways not unlike a painting by heironymous bosch - dark, yet wondrous - and perhaps closer to truth than sunshine and faeries and therefore beautiful in their own terrible way:
1. i saw a news story about a brazilian girl who was exposed to radioactive cesium dust. the poor child got it on her hands and then accidentally ingested it... she died within a matter of days, and was buried in a lead casket which was then encased in concrete. i can't say exactly why that moves me, but it does. perhaps a lead casket encased in concrete is the ultimate metaphor of our times...
2. on the 101 freeway the other day i found myself behind an elderly woman who was driving unusually slowly. i signaled, changed lanes, and as i passed her i saw that she appeared to be eating her entire fist.
3. on that same trip, now on a canyon road which shall remain nameless to protect the innocent, i came upon a squirrel in the road - eating the freshly-smooshed carcass of another squirrel! quoted from the note i left on the lovely venla's journal: "i mean, i guess they're just big rats with fluffy tails when you get right down to it, but the sight really took me by surprise - it might as well have been a bunny rabbit or a baby or something..."
that is all for now, my lovelies, as well as a fresh team of F-girls for your browsing pleasure.
love to you all!
ps. my fellow americans: to those of you who still labor under the delusion that everything is ok, please get thee to a rentery and get this movie. it is finally available in vhs and dvd formats.
pps. the male blanket octopus is the worlds most sexually size-dimorphic large animal, weighing in at roughly the size of the female's EYE... quoting from an article in the New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 36, p.735, 2002:
"Males evolve adaptations for locating females (the large eye of the blanket octopus may be such an adaptation) and once a female is located the male's best strategy is to devote all his resources to her."
fellas - you feelin' me yet? it gets worse:
"Mature male blanket octopus develop a large modified reproductive arm (hectocotylus) within a spherical pouch (the white swelling between the arms). When males mate, this pouch ruptures, sperm is injected into the tip of the modified arm, the arm is severed and passed to the female. The male then almost certainly dies."
it kills me every time to begin anew - i become so attached to everyone's comments! in the end it is for the best, though, right? attachment = the root of all suffering and all that...
besides, i have strayed from my original intention of listing three things daily which inspired me in one way or another. back on track, then, shall we? these are visions which moved me in ways not unlike a painting by heironymous bosch - dark, yet wondrous - and perhaps closer to truth than sunshine and faeries and therefore beautiful in their own terrible way:
1. i saw a news story about a brazilian girl who was exposed to radioactive cesium dust. the poor child got it on her hands and then accidentally ingested it... she died within a matter of days, and was buried in a lead casket which was then encased in concrete. i can't say exactly why that moves me, but it does. perhaps a lead casket encased in concrete is the ultimate metaphor of our times...
2. on the 101 freeway the other day i found myself behind an elderly woman who was driving unusually slowly. i signaled, changed lanes, and as i passed her i saw that she appeared to be eating her entire fist.
3. on that same trip, now on a canyon road which shall remain nameless to protect the innocent, i came upon a squirrel in the road - eating the freshly-smooshed carcass of another squirrel! quoted from the note i left on the lovely venla's journal: "i mean, i guess they're just big rats with fluffy tails when you get right down to it, but the sight really took me by surprise - it might as well have been a bunny rabbit or a baby or something..."
that is all for now, my lovelies, as well as a fresh team of F-girls for your browsing pleasure.
love to you all!

ps. my fellow americans: to those of you who still labor under the delusion that everything is ok, please get thee to a rentery and get this movie. it is finally available in vhs and dvd formats.
pps. the male blanket octopus is the worlds most sexually size-dimorphic large animal, weighing in at roughly the size of the female's EYE... quoting from an article in the New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 36, p.735, 2002:
"Males evolve adaptations for locating females (the large eye of the blanket octopus may be such an adaptation) and once a female is located the male's best strategy is to devote all his resources to her."
fellas - you feelin' me yet? it gets worse:
"Mature male blanket octopus develop a large modified reproductive arm (hectocotylus) within a spherical pouch (the white swelling between the arms). When males mate, this pouch ruptures, sperm is injected into the tip of the modified arm, the arm is severed and passed to the female. The male then almost certainly dies."
sounds like you're doing ok...
the chilean ceciche, it's with the fish like a pure or something...not in pieces, you know....
like the peruvian style more, with purple onions
and with salmon, cos it's one of my favourite fishes