I can't get around this gargantuan tragedy that is unfolding. Does anything else matter at this point? I'm finding it difficult to really take anything else seriously in my daily life... I can't escape the feeling that this is in fact so much bigger than anyone is yet willing to admit - beyond even the seemingly immeasurable loss of life so far - big in a way that will ultimately have to ripple throughout society in ways we can't yet predict - disease, economic turbulence, massive emigration and refugee populations on one end, increased neocon militarism and repression on the other... And here's the kicker: I promise you somebody somewhere has already figured out a way to profit from the whole thing. I want to believe that natural disasters might unify the human family, reorder our priorities along more humanistic lines, but I'm frankly not seeing it. Another sudden outbreak of genocide seems more likely at this time.
bummed. waiting to snap out of it and find a positive perpective. little help...?
bummed. waiting to snap out of it and find a positive perpective. little help...?
you put a smile on my face baby

I'm back I'm back and thank you!!! How was your holiday???