is it wrong that i think this is obscenely funny...?
how about this then?
last but not least, please enjoy perhaps the most bizarre and surreal thing i have ever seen:
Weirdest Shit EVER
i recommend watching the whole thing... i mean, who knew henry winkler could juggle?

how about this then?

last but not least, please enjoy perhaps the most bizarre and surreal thing i have ever seen:
Weirdest Shit EVER
i recommend watching the whole thing... i mean, who knew henry winkler could juggle?
so, i haven't been around much lately. romance = failed. crapola. back on the goddamn horse, but lately i really could use a ride.
that new article on there about the sand squid cracked me up..
the quote is from an old skool sci-fi book called 'The Stars My Destination', by Alfred Bester
actually i'm not sure when the Old Skool or 'back in the day' era of sci-fi actually was..maybe the 50s or something