ok, so i "unsubscribed" ...and now i'm like "why'd" i do that?"
...and then i remember the money. it's not that it costs so much money (it really doesn't cost shit, right?) it's that i feel llike a lame band who has to pay to play. it shifts the whole pretty girl paradigm somewhere away from inspiring and more toward depressing.
or maybe i'm just depressed.
i know no-one's getting rich around here, but i can't avoid the awkwardness of knowing that nobody would be talking to me if i wasn't paying for the privilege. [that last bit is NOT a solicitation for heart-felt exclamations of denial, btw - just a commentary on the nature of market-based social interaction]
anyway, november 13th my subscription runs out and i'm not going to re-up. it's been wonderful getting to know each of you a little bit, but i'm starting to feel like a chump. I'm going to shoot some emails out to a few of you whom i would like to stay in touch with (unless i flake and blow it by the 13th...) but also please feel free to do the same - as awkward and bizarre as the context ultimately is, i truly cherish the friendships i've made here.
much love to you all,
...and then i remember the money. it's not that it costs so much money (it really doesn't cost shit, right?) it's that i feel llike a lame band who has to pay to play. it shifts the whole pretty girl paradigm somewhere away from inspiring and more toward depressing.
or maybe i'm just depressed.
i know no-one's getting rich around here, but i can't avoid the awkwardness of knowing that nobody would be talking to me if i wasn't paying for the privilege. [that last bit is NOT a solicitation for heart-felt exclamations of denial, btw - just a commentary on the nature of market-based social interaction]
anyway, november 13th my subscription runs out and i'm not going to re-up. it's been wonderful getting to know each of you a little bit, but i'm starting to feel like a chump. I'm going to shoot some emails out to a few of you whom i would like to stay in touch with (unless i flake and blow it by the 13th...) but also please feel free to do the same - as awkward and bizarre as the context ultimately is, i truly cherish the friendships i've made here.
much love to you all,
you're so going to my space dude, it's free, it may be a bit crazy, but it can be good too, and i prefer to write friend emails over there. i'll still miss you around here though. xoxox puss.
peace out dude. that is, if you dont change your mind..