Halloween came and went. We had a lot of fun trick or treating. The girls actually did quite well in the candy department, you know, for being relatively new at the activity.

This should last until Christmas. If it were up to them, it would be gone by next week.

This was after the long walk for sweets. I don't think Bridget wanted her picture taken.
I finally got my peace sign tattoo.
This is the first one I ever wanted and turns out to be the fifth. I updated my pics so check out the rest. Missing are the two on my ankles. A moon on the right and a sun on the left.

This was a patch I got in 1976, during our countries Bicenteniel. I've always loved it because it has our colors red, white and blue and it's all about peace. I'm very proud of that. I am also very concern with current events that tarnish our country's reputaion. 'nuff said!
November 7 is election day. Go vote, if you can. If you don't, you have no right to complain about anything!
Peace and love to everyone, everywhere!
Halloween came and went. We had a lot of fun trick or treating. The girls actually did quite well in the candy department, you know, for being relatively new at the activity.

This should last until Christmas. If it were up to them, it would be gone by next week.

This was after the long walk for sweets. I don't think Bridget wanted her picture taken.
I finally got my peace sign tattoo.

This was a patch I got in 1976, during our countries Bicenteniel. I've always loved it because it has our colors red, white and blue and it's all about peace. I'm very proud of that. I am also very concern with current events that tarnish our country's reputaion. 'nuff said!
November 7 is election day. Go vote, if you can. If you don't, you have no right to complain about anything!
Peace and love to everyone, everywhere!
I think of photos are not only a presentation of someone, but also a form of art, like painting...I don't think removing, or keeping for that matter, a blemish takes away from anyone..just depends what you are going for with the art piece.
photos are like paintings...a representation of someones style, look and personality...would a painter keep in blemishes? I guess it depends what he/she is going for... (fyi: the word photography, derives from 'painting with light')
Take reagan for example...she has fun portraying herself uber natural (Reagan: Naked)...and she also has fun showing her physicality in a perhaps "less natural looking" way.......its not a mask..no one's dropping 50 pounds with photoshop lol....photoshopped or not..she is obviously still lovely, and still looks like Reagan, with her beautiful eyes and defined jaw line.. I don't think photoshopping out minor blemishes relates to ones self-confidence...I look at it as a helpfull artistic tool...
on another hand, when you see someone in person, that beauty in reality is hard to capture on camera...I've noticed I don't notice natural blemish like zits on someone at all when they are moving around in real life, but when frozen in a photograph are quite noticeable and draw my attention away from a whole balanced image. Also pimples come and go anyway...some days I have em, some days I don't so why keep em for a picture that lasts forever? I don't think its a big deal....or a relation to self-esteem...
wow, I wrote alot..ooops!
Thanks for the comment!