Hello! Well not much has really been new with me..I have been browsing youtubealot lately.. I just recently heard about lonelygirl15 and this whole story is no big surprise to me.. Honestly the people who didnt know she was fake are all idiots...HMMM enough of that...So yeah I checked to see where my cam is and its in transit in phoenix,Az!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to get it and have lots of fun with it.. No not perverted fun...SO get your minds out of the gutter including you rodan
HAHA! jk So anyways things with my brother arnt any better... Im hoping for a miracle to happen..*crosses fingers* Damn I need something exciting to do... Im boring... hahaha this is my poor journal entry 
bra bashing...

bra bashing...

I hope things are better with your brother hon!