Hello~ How is everyone doing? How was Xmas? Mine was pretty down do to my Grandpa Stan passing away on xmas eve. My dad was really down he was crying off and on during the day. However I couldnt cry because till now I am still in shock that he is gone.. I dont think it has quite hit me yet.. What a time to... Read More
Hun I am truly sorry to hear of your loss. I hope you are doing well. Please let me know if I can do anything, especially if you need to get out and talk about things.
Well HELLO!!!! Today is day 3 that my parents have been gone.. They finally left to get our stuff out of storage.. YAY! Only issue right now is not everything is fitting in the moving truck. So I am waiting to see how they take care of that.. I'm just really happy that none of our stuff got ruined.. Anyways. I hope all is well... Read More
Awe 10 days left on this site =( My membership ends august 10th the day after my birthday..If I dont post one last blog before the end date then it was nice meeting everyone! *hugs*
Hello! Well I didnt get a new pc for xmas.. I got a freaking CHAIR.. Ughh, Anyways I'm spending lots of time with my man. I LOVE HIM SOOOOOO MUCH! I hope everyones well.. *hugs*
Yea i remember this i was on the phone with you during this life or death ordeal (remember not to kill anymore gingerbread men, your wanted in 3 stated for the theft of gum drop buttons lol) Any who I am glad your feeling better love. I Love You
My oldest daughter had her tonsils taken out this summer. This winter has been soooo much better already. By now she'd've had strep throat or tonsillitus by now at least twice. Her good health is just one of the thing I'm thankful for this year.