What are your top 3 most favorite things in the whole world? I want to know what makes you the happiest!
I'll start mine from the bottom up ;)
I love plants! No, I wouldn't consider myself a "hippy" or anything. I just love plants! I think they're all so beautiful, and I don't have nearly enough in my home. There's just somethino about a plant- any kind of plant - that just...sits well with me? I don't know, I enjoy looking at them and watching the bees and butterflies go from flower to flower.
Next, I would definitely have to say my dogs! I have such a weak spot for animals, especially my little further babies! When I finally got my own place and could afford it, I bought Scooby. I found Scooby at a little puppy mill (even though I didn't realize it at the time). Scoob is a white husky mix and was always so sick when I first got him - bless his little heart. I was already so in love with him and so I did my best in taking care of him and going to the vet. It wasn't until the vet asked me about his living conditions that I realize the environment I got him from was almost like a puppy mill. These people had multiple breeds of puppies on their property, none of the parents, and the poor things were covered in poop since the owner didn't seem to clean their cages. Fortunately, my Scoobert is now healthy and we share a bond that I have never had with a dog before. Then, a year and a half later, I found Sasha! She's a black and white Siberian/Alaskan husky. She has such a personality on her! She let's you know when she's bored, when she wants to play, and will even let me know when it's time to wake up for work. I also got her from an unhealthy environment. The pen was too small for all the puppies, poop everywhere, and you could tell the mother had been bred a couple of times. And just like Scoob, she was suck a lot. Also like Scoob, she is now very healthy and full of life! I love them both so much ^_^
The most important thing to me is my family. I know this may sound cliché, but my family is a huge part of who I am. Parents, sister, aunt and uncles included, they've all always supported me in absolutely everything that I do. Even if it's something they don't totally agree with, they'll support me in whatever makes me happy. My family was the one you would see at every volleyball game, every swim meet, and every dance recital. All of them cheering me on all the way through. They were the friend's family that you wanted to hang out with because they were always so inviting and always played games (whether it be pranks or kickball). They're a bunch of jokesters and love to have fun, but they're also very successful people as well. My dad is the definition of lead by example. He's always made my sister and I work for what we have. He's always told us to work hard in everything we do because hard work is how you get moved up. "When I first worked in the warehouse, my job was to keep the warehouse clean. You better believe that was cleanest warehouse you ever saw and with time, I was promoted to delivery driver." He'd always tell us this whenever he noticed someone was slacking. He was right. My dad started out working for a company as a warehouse sweeper, worked his way through every position in the company, and now - as if last summer- is the new co-owner of the entire company! I'm very proud of my family and if weren't for all their love, support, and pushing me to strive for a better me, I wouldn't be the happy-go-lucky woman I am today! (:
Now it's your turn! Tell me evetything (: