Today seemed to be the textbook definition of Lazy Sunday. Here it is, almost 9:00 at night, and EnergyChannel and I are still sitting on the couch in our flannel pajamas and robes. He managed to roast a delicious chicken, and I managed to wash some dishes, but I had much higher hopes for the day. I was going to go to the gym, and do a load of laundry, and probably other things that needed to be done. At this rate, we'll be lucky if we get the garbage and recycling out to the curb. I do wonder where that motivation disappears to on Sundays.
There is something awesome about staying in pajamas all day, though. I won't deny it.
There is something awesome about staying in pajamas all day, though. I won't deny it.

I'll more than likely not be able to go into work, but I'm not exactly sure if I can be at the brunch. I'm not fully mobile yet, and have not yet incorporated solid foods into my diet. Boo. This sucks.
Only in an honorary sense.