So I've had this weird stomach bug since Saturday, and at first I thought it was food poisoning, so I just figured wait it out, all will be well. EnergyChannel came down with it on Sunday, and we were still thinking just food poisoning. I managed to work on Sunday morning at a planned event, for which I receive a bonus day off, and ended up staying home yesterday. Last night, I made the mistake of looking on Web MD, and convinced myself that I have this horrible strain of something called C. Diff, which tends to be immune to antibiotics, and can be fatal. I really should never check Web MD for things.
This morning I woke up, and so far, so good. I'm off to work, but am prepared to call the advice nurse and have a nervous breakdown with her/him and hopefully be told that it's normal to have these intestinal issues for this long, and that I'm a paranoid freak who is perfectly healthy.
I'm really tired of being sick so much. I feel like 2008 has just been a parade of illness, what with the flu back in February, and another cold last month, and now this. I don't remember ever getting sick this often. WTF, man?
Wish me luck, guys.
This morning I woke up, and so far, so good. I'm off to work, but am prepared to call the advice nurse and have a nervous breakdown with her/him and hopefully be told that it's normal to have these intestinal issues for this long, and that I'm a paranoid freak who is perfectly healthy.
I'm really tired of being sick so much. I feel like 2008 has just been a parade of illness, what with the flu back in February, and another cold last month, and now this. I don't remember ever getting sick this often. WTF, man?
Wish me luck, guys.

Somethings just going around. I felt pretty poopy This weekend myself. I'll let you know if I die from it.