I hate it when I have dreams about people who have been dead for years. I always wake up confused and unsettled, convinced that maybe they aren't dead after all. It leaves a "dream film" over my psyche for the rest of the day.
Speaking of dead people, after almost two weeks of this damn flu, I think I'm almost back to normal. I still have the occasional hacking cough, and the desire to do nothing but sleep for hours, but compared to where I was, it's a vast iimprovement. I might even return to the realm of physical activity this week! EnergyChannel is mostly over it as well, although he still has coughing fits in the middle of the night. This flu is awful, dudes. Just awful.
I liked the Oscars last night, even if they were kinda long and boring. I wanted multiple winners for Best Supporting Actor though, as I wanted both Bardin and Hal Holbrook to win. Did you guys see "Into the Wild"? Hal was tear-jerkingly awesome. Plus, he's old and might be dead soon. Then I can have weird dreams about him and wake up confused.
And thus we close the circle.
Speaking of dead people, after almost two weeks of this damn flu, I think I'm almost back to normal. I still have the occasional hacking cough, and the desire to do nothing but sleep for hours, but compared to where I was, it's a vast iimprovement. I might even return to the realm of physical activity this week! EnergyChannel is mostly over it as well, although he still has coughing fits in the middle of the night. This flu is awful, dudes. Just awful.
I liked the Oscars last night, even if they were kinda long and boring. I wanted multiple winners for Best Supporting Actor though, as I wanted both Bardin and Hal Holbrook to win. Did you guys see "Into the Wild"? Hal was tear-jerkingly awesome. Plus, he's old and might be dead soon. Then I can have weird dreams about him and wake up confused.
And thus we close the circle.
Flu was a freaking bummer! I had it for a solid two weeks too. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Hope no more weird dreams for you. Sex dreams are much better. Work dreams are among the worst.
Oh man, I hope you feel better soon!