What a great weekend that was. On Saturday, the weather was beautiful, so we took a walk through the neighborhood, marveling at the many overpriced townhomes that are nevertheless selling like hotcakes. When is the housing market going to dip here? It's taken a nosedive in many other places. I would like to be a homeowner someday, please.
Saturday night we went to Dante's to see Elf Power. Scott McCaughey and the Charmparticles opened, and all three were awesome. Of course, Elf Power was the most awesome, and we bounced around in that Portland indie kid way. Dante's is very different from the last time I was there, and I very much approve of the changes.
Perhaps better than seeing Elf Power again was seeing our friend Matt, who we haven't talked to since probably July. He's been busy ending his relationship and making vodka, and was happy to be out and about again. He's working on infusions for the vodka. We recommended starfruit.
Sunday was spent taking a long walk with good friends, then having lunch at a delicious pub in Sellwood, once again revelling in the good weather. We went over to my mom's in the evening, and drank wine and ate broccoli salad on her patio. Such a relaxing time. Then we came home and watched a lovely rip of Hot Fuzz. That was some funny shit.
It's lovely to have the nice weather coming back. We're all re-emerging from our winter caves, rubbing our bleary eyes at that bright thing in the sky. I really should buy some more sunblock this week.
Califone and Eric Johnson (of the Fruit Bats) on Friday, May 11 at the Mission Theater. It's gonna be sweet.
Saturday night we went to Dante's to see Elf Power. Scott McCaughey and the Charmparticles opened, and all three were awesome. Of course, Elf Power was the most awesome, and we bounced around in that Portland indie kid way. Dante's is very different from the last time I was there, and I very much approve of the changes.
Perhaps better than seeing Elf Power again was seeing our friend Matt, who we haven't talked to since probably July. He's been busy ending his relationship and making vodka, and was happy to be out and about again. He's working on infusions for the vodka. We recommended starfruit.
Sunday was spent taking a long walk with good friends, then having lunch at a delicious pub in Sellwood, once again revelling in the good weather. We went over to my mom's in the evening, and drank wine and ate broccoli salad on her patio. Such a relaxing time. Then we came home and watched a lovely rip of Hot Fuzz. That was some funny shit.
It's lovely to have the nice weather coming back. We're all re-emerging from our winter caves, rubbing our bleary eyes at that bright thing in the sky. I really should buy some more sunblock this week.
Califone and Eric Johnson (of the Fruit Bats) on Friday, May 11 at the Mission Theater. It's gonna be sweet.
I may have to see if Caliphone is wandering down this way.
Starfruit. What a great idea.