Daylight saving time, though nice, does me no good when it's still cold and almost-rainy when I get off work. Sun in the morning is somewhat of a motivator to be awake an hour earlier than usual, though.
Sun, why do you hate Portland so? Why do you stay away, when all we want to do is love you and bask in your glow? Under a thick layer of sunblock, that is. I don't love you enough to burn for you.
Sun, why do you hate Portland so? Why do you stay away, when all we want to do is love you and bask in your glow? Under a thick layer of sunblock, that is. I don't love you enough to burn for you.
I am still alive. But, the shop is taking some serious energy. Internets is a disant third in my life these days.
The Birthday was good. Gills By the Bay for breakfast, then Beer and Baseball. I couldn't go wrong. Well exept fpr the whole waking up a 5:30 the next morning. well I new the job was dangerous when I took it.
Hope Portland's treating you well. You know.. Summer will be here before you know it.