So I just finished this book "Bitten" the other day, about a lady werewolf. Then the other night I had a dream that I too was a were-being. But not a werewolf. Oh no, nothing so cool and kick-ass and savage as that. In my dream I was a were-Whale. Yes, I turned into a grey humback whale, swam across the bay, and got out in my human form naked and dripping on the other side. I had a whale friend I was swimming with. It was quite an adventure. Heehee.
Speaking of marine adventures, I'm really excited to see Deep Blue. Can't wait. I saw March of the Penguins for a second time last night. I love those little guys. But they stress me out. I wish they'd swallow their pride and go somewhere warm and tropical so I don't have to be upset about baby penguins dying of cold.
Speaking of marine adventures, I'm really excited to see Deep Blue. Can't wait. I saw March of the Penguins for a second time last night. I love those little guys. But they stress me out. I wish they'd swallow their pride and go somewhere warm and tropical so I don't have to be upset about baby penguins dying of cold.
I had a strange dream last night. I dreamnt that I continually had a rock or something hard in my shoe and everytime I took it out something else would get stuck in there. My sister was there too. When I woke up my feet were sore and hurt! I cna't explain it, I even tried looking up what it meant online and couldn't get any info. I love the water and scuba diving is awesome.
Im really glad you liked my set from the other day!