so there were these two Russian missionaries of some Christian sect I didn't recognize the name of who came to the door the other day looking for donations for some worthy cause. Because they were hardly able to communicate with me due to their severe lack of English skills, because they were being so nice, because they looked so miserable at having to go door to door asking for donations and because, well, because I'm a sucker I gave them some money. Not much, actually a very tiny amount, but I just couldn't say no. When the transaction was over and they were showering me with "God Bless"es even though I'd hardly given them anything I shook the girl's hand, then went to shake the guy's hand. But he wouldn't shake my hand, and said "Uh, no, um, in our religion we no shake hand with opposite sex till marriage." And then I thought Oh dear god I've just given money to some crazy christian cult. Curses, foiled again Oi. So this guy has presumably never EVER touched a woman that wasn't his mom or sister. Umm. My goodness. What happens if you accidentaly bump into a member of the opposite sex? Does Jesus hate you or what? Man, I just can't imagine living like that.

They're all cults in the end... I finally stopped giving out anything after this one time I gave a bum in LA ten bucks and he told me exactly how he was going to spend it. Let's just say I was suddenly placed at the top of a very ugly pyramid of vice.
You should have asked him to marry you right there. I'll bet he'd have considered it.