I haven't consistently be online for over a month. My money is so tight now, that I had lost all access to a phone or internet for the last forty days. And after the last seven months of hell, I"m just now settling completely into my most recent home (moved three times since july of last year)> Its a small apartment with my boyfriend, which is nice. I'm currently not really speaking to my father at all...the last time I did, it was because he wanted to borrow money from me and Trey (that's the boyfriend). All of it has me so very frustrated. I need a new job but nothing is really working for me in that aspect of life either. Le sigh. I know all of this is coming across as horribly mellow drmatic and depressing and I'm sorry for that.
But I guess in the words of frank sinatra, "that\'s life".

But I guess in the words of frank sinatra, "that\'s life".